Excel basic process data template
This is a Microsoft Excel template for basic analysis of process data exported from acirro+.
Target: Folder containing process data files from acirro+
Update information
With this template it is possible to view process data exported from acirro+ in Excel.
Target data can be coming from any X2 / BoX2 series device connected to acirro+ cloud service.
Version history
• Package V1.0.4 include pivot chart to support fast and easy analysis of numerical data is included.
• Package V1.0.3 minor improvement of the date format in Settings tab.
• Package V1.0.2 improved template performance of importing data and error handling.
• Package V1.0.1 include a sample data folder to be used with the template.
• Package V1.0.0 is the first released version (2021-01-26)
Note, the latest version replaces previous packages!
Developed and supported for:
• Microsoft Excel (Version 1902 in Microsoft Office 365)
Package file:
• SER0028_V1.0.4_package.zip
The zip file contains the template, example data and a quick start guide:
• SER0028_V1.0.4_ExcelProcessDataTemplate.xltm (Microsoft Excel template)
• SER0028_QS_ExcelProcessDataTemplate_V1.0.4-EN.pdf
• ProductionLine1-ExampleData.zip
Note! If you previously downloaded the package file from SmartStore, find the download link in submenu My account > My apps, when logged in!
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