Serial comms FBs - CODESYS library
Serial communication library that simplifies communication from the X2 / BoX2 Control devices to external serial devices such as barcode readers, weigh scales, and printers.
Update information
This library simplifies serial communications to serial devices such as barcode readers, weigh scales, and printers. The FB can act as a manager for send/receive (for devices that need a prompt) or just cause the port to listen (for unsolicited messages). All three serial ports of an X2 / BoX2 Control can be used (COM1, COM2 and COM3). Most parameters are set with ENUMs to reduce errors.
Message termination can be by termination character or number of received characters.
The library file (*.compiled-library) can be installed to the CODESYS software on your PC and the FBs be accessed as any blocks, please follow guidelines and description.
Version history
• Package V1.0.4 is the first released version (2020-11-18)
Developed and supported for:
• CODESYS 3.5 SP13 patch 3
• X2 Control and BoX2 Control (BoX2 Pro SC)
Package file:
The zip file contains a library file and a quick start guide:
• SER0001_V1.0.4_SerialComFBs.compiled-library (CODESYS library)
• SER0001_QS_SerialComFBs_V1.0.4-EN.pdf
Free for
United Essential level and above.
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Note! If you previously downloaded the package file from SmartStore, find the download link in submenu My account > My apps, when logged in!
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