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iX user authentication

This Active Directory login solution include the AdAuth application, a lightweight PC application (proxy) acting as TCP server and LDAP client. Together with iX demo project and script module this makes it easy for implementing AD authentication in any iX panel of X2 series or iX PC runtime.

Update information
Version history
• V1.1.0 The first released version on SmartStore (2023-10-20)

Developed and supported for:
• iX Developer 2.40 SP7 or later
• X2 series and iX PC RT (iX Runtime)

Package file:
The zip file contains a sample project with application, script module and a quick start guide:
• (AdAuth and iX application)
• SER0076_QS_AdAuth_iX_user_authentication_V1.1.0-EN

Note! If you previously downloaded the package file from SmartStore, find the download link in submenu My account > My apps, when logged in!

Related documents


General description

Version: 1.1.0
Release: 2023-10-20
Article: SER-0076