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NMEA 0183 sender - CODESYS library

The libraries and examples explain how to install and setup the NMEA0183 sender smart object in BCS Tools/CODESYS using control systems from Beijer Electronics.

The NMEA 0183 standard is used for communicating with marine electronic devices, typically over a serial port. For example for sending and receiving NMEA sentences from a GPS. Follow the quick start guide to complete the setup of actual hardware.

Update information
NMEA 0183 sender V1.0.0

Version history
Package V1.0.0:
First released version (2025-01-21).
NMEA messages supported in this package explained in the quick start document attached.

Tested platforms:
• BCS Tools 3.63 or later revisions
• X2 marine SC, X2 control, X2 extreme SC or BoX2 SC variants
• BCS Nexto Xpress (XP-CPU) or Nexto Modular (NX-CPU)
Follow the quick start guide to complete the setup of actual hardware.

Package file:
The zip file contains the compiled libraries, example projects and a quick start guide:
• SER0069_V1.0.0_NEMA0183SenderX2.compiled-library
• SER0069_V1.0.0_NEMA0183SenderX2.projectarchive
• SER0069_V1.0.0_NEMA0183SenderNexto.compiled-library
• SER0069_V1.0.0_NEMA0183SenderNexto.projectarchive
• SER0069_QS_NEMA0183Sender_V1.0.0-EN.pdf

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Note! If you previously downloaded the package file from SmartStore, find the download link in submenu My account > My apps, when logged in!

Related documents


General description

Version: 1.0.0
Release: 2025-01-20
Article: SER-0069