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Nexto NX3008 ver

Supported HW: NX3008

High-speed CPU with built-in power supply, full connectivity. Classic modular control with innovative CODESYS software.

Update information
BCS Nexto modular - CPU Firmware version (25/07/2024)

The package contains binary files for BCS-NX3008.
Attached revision history and links for the update procedure.

• Included bootloader version, which fixes a power-on issue mentioned below. The bootloader is now included inside the firmware image file, and it will be updated automatically during the firmware update process.
ATTENTION: this automatic update requires the controller to be running with version or greater. So, if the firmware update is being performed on a controller that is running an older version, it will be necessary to perform the update procedure twice (to the same version) to have the bootloader updated.
• Fixed a problem where the CPU could potentially fail to start after a power-on.
• Fixed a problem where the firmware version could not be informed correctly (zero).
• Fixed a problem with NET Redundant mode which could cause an exception.
• Fixed a problem that could incorrectly produce error log messages related to the internal processor temperature.
• Fixed a problem which would prevent the communication between BCS Tools and CPU when using “enforced encryption” option.
• Improved stability of CAN and RS-485 communication, specially when working simultaneous.

Link to Software life cycle policies: Click here

Link to firmware update procedure: Click here

Note! If you previously downloaded the software package from SmartStore, find the download link in submenu My account > My apps, when logged in!

Related documents


General description

Release: 2024-07-25
Lifecycle policy: Evergreen
Support status: NO SUPPORT
Article: Nexto NX3008 ver